You can find a number of ways to use hosted dynamics to assist you manage your procurement planning procedure. Not all ERP software program is designed equally. Rose ASP, suggests when picking enterprise software program, whether it is ERP cloud or on-premise, it is important to resist the temptation to go with the first “off-the-shelf” solution you come across.

Since a growing technology, cloud computing and hosted dynamics is well-known choice for financial soothsayers and their attempts to gauge where the market it is headed.
According to Rose ASP, they say that the next 18 months will prove that North American Enterprises have accepted the cloud, as solutions like ERP cloud continue to see adoption rates go up.
The following are a few forecasts for Cloud computing for 2013:
Cloud and mobile technology will merge:
This is an obvious choice, though it might not be much of a prediction since it has already happened for the most part. Maybe the trend will continue to a point where the two terms will be synonymous as the hard-wired computing market at large continues to shrink while mobility increases.
Cloud will be taken more seriously for its backup capabilities in disaster situations:
Following super storm, Sandy rocked the East Coast offsite file backup became a hot button matter for enterprise across the country.
Federal law may be written on cloud security:
Washington is no stranger to bureaucratic foot dragging, and while this may be a topic of interest in 2013, seeing it actually go into action is a different story all together.

Some of the benefits of dynamics GP are:

PO Generator in Dynamics GP - There are a couple of ways to use Dynamics GP to help you manage your procurement planning process. If you have a dynamics manufacturing business or products that require a long lead-time, you might want to use the Manufacturing MRP module.

If you have more simple requirements, you should try the PO generator module. It is easier to set up and use, and it will suggest purchase orders that you need to release.

Management Reporter Data Mash Up in Dynamics GP - Getting data from Dynamics GP into an Excel spreadsheet and into a management dashboard is easy to do. Combining that data with your financial reports from Management Reporter is more challenging.

Lockbox Processing Cash Receipts in Dynamics GP - The Lockbox Processing module in Dynamics GP allows you to take a file from your bank that has cash receipts information in it, and automatically create cash receipts in Dynamics GP.

You can use this functionality whether you have a lockbox set up at your bank or not. Some companies use it merely as a way to speed up cash receipts processing; assuming that there is an electronic file available that has the cash receipts information in it.

The module will try to match the cash receipts information in the file to the outstanding in invoices in Dynamics GP. You have a few options on how the module will try to make the match, e.g. invoice number, customer information.

Electronic Reconciliation with Dynamics GP - According to Rose ASP, the Bank Reconciliation module in Dynamics GP is useful. It helps you easily reconcile your bank accounts on a monthly basis with data generated from your Dynamics GP system. The Bank Reconciliation module brings together payments, receipts, and adjustments all together in one screen that allows you to check off the items that have cleared your bank accounts.

If you have many bank items every period, you will want to consider using the Electronic Bank Reconciliation module. It takes a file from your banks and compares it to your outstanding bank items in hosted dynamics. It marks any matches as cleared. It will also create additional fees or adjustments in GP that may be included in the bank file.

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